Kinda offensive

By anon - 31/10/2012 04:22 - United States - Medford

Today, my girlfriend and I were going through some troubles in our relationship, and she said to me, "No offense, but I really hope no other relationship I have in the future will be like this one." Some offense taken. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 962
You deserved it 3 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

With all due respect, your girlfriend has no tact. I don't mean anything bad by this, but she sounds incredibly immature. I mean this in the nicest possible way, but what a ******* bitch. No offense.


Doesn't she know that if you say "no offense", people will automatically find it offensive? And jeez, she sounds incredibly immature. Good luck making it work, OP!

Just say no offense but if you're going to be an asshole in those relationships then they will be like this one.

You girls should try and learn to communicate better.

Well she sounds like a keeper...NOT. Dump her OP you can do better.

Ask her to marry you, then state no offense I don't want my future relations to be bad as this one so I change my mind on you being my future wife.

perdix 29

Maybe it's time you admit that you have terrible taste in women. Or, you could hold a big knife and say, "You won't be having future relationships, mwahahahaha!," and then propose. Creepiest. Proposal. Ever.

doodoo10 10

that is honestly so rude! If she had so much of a problem with the relationship shouldn't she have cut it off a while ago? That's such a bitchy thing to say...

nolicnosnhoj 1

Yeah, dump her and tell her you hope none of YOUR future girlfriends are as crazy as her.

rachilio 26

By saying that she's hinting at the fact you two won't be dating much longer.... Have fun with that!