Keeping it real

By Anonymous - 26/02/2016 08:37 - Australia - Wilston

Today, I went to visit my dad for the first time in over a year, as I have been studying for my Master's degree in history halfway across the world. The first thing he said to me? "So, gotten a real job yet?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 738
You deserved it 3 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ask him if he's gotten his head out of his ass yet


Dads sometimes think they are funny - and this time he's def not!

Argh! This could have been my FML! What is it with parents who don't get the concept of a post graduate course? The time and effort that goes into it equals a full-time job, but pays (if you are lucky) shite. Of course you do this mostly because you hope for a better job at the end of the very, very dark tunnel...

Don't sweat it OP! Be proud of how far you've gotten and persevere 'til the end..

my sister has a duel masters ad did it working full time going to school full time and having 2 kids.

I'm getting my masters too, but in something else. History is so fascinating and I bet that's a very fulfilling degree. Keep your head up and your eye on the prize. I know how difficult that can be.

My sympathy, i hope it was a joke..but sometimes some people are just jerks.

Attacksloth 33

I have a master's degree in history and I can say with full certainty: it equips you with badass research skills, if not anything else. Academia is a rough road, but the degree has been useful for me in communications jobs.

please don't get me wrong, but history is all interesting and stuff, but what do we really benefit from it?

Good for you for doing what you want to do with your life. I'm soon starting my degree in Drama, and I do get similar responses. If you have a genuine business plan as to what you'd like to do, then you go ahead and you do it. I've no doubt you will make everybody very proud!

your dad's a prick, OP. keep working hard and you'll end up more successful than he is.