By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Farnborough

Today, my brother accused me of faking my bipolar disorder for attention, all because I don't act the same as the bipolar girl in some TV show he watches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 569
You deserved it 1 759

Top comments

Wait, you mean tv shows aren't always 100% accurate? Hmm, never would have guessed.

expertsmilee 26

I'd rather be any kind of bipolar than that kind of stupid.


I've had the same said to me sweetie. Ignore him x

FYL - you could use this opportunity to educate him, though?

This was said to me when I was diagnosed. The best thing you can do is educate, but if they don't listen or care, try to brush off what they say.

That's a troll statement just to start a flame war if ever I saw. Net you will say the holocaust was faked and Kennedy was killed by the Coca cola cooperation.

I'm really sorry. Even if the show was very well-researched and accurate, not all people with any given mental illness act the same. My grandmother had depression, several friends of mine have depression, and probably all of them show different sorts of symptoms. I wish more people realized that.

Jenelle from Teen Mom 2 isn't just a bad influence on her son, she is now a bad influence on your brother! FYL OP.