By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Farnborough

Today, my brother accused me of faking my bipolar disorder for attention, all because I don't act the same as the bipolar girl in some TV show he watches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 569
You deserved it 1 759

Top comments

Wait, you mean tv shows aren't always 100% accurate? Hmm, never would have guessed.

expertsmilee 26

I'd rather be any kind of bipolar than that kind of stupid.


tiredofwaiting 25

Your brother sounds like a jackass. I think it is time he is educated on Bipolar.

Well, at least it's not your parents. If your brother really thinks this, laugh at his stupidity

BloodyGlass 10

Bipolar disorders can be treated, stupidity is for life.

My brother once told me to kill myself, as "I was faking my headaches to get attention"