It hurts when I pee

By yomamma787 - 24/11/2009 17:11 - United States

Today, I was outside, peeing on a cactus. Then all of a sudden my dog jumped on my back, knocking me into the cactus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 893
You deserved it 54 445

Same thing different taste


ahaha that sucks, i stepped on a cactus in NC and it sucked.. i had like 5 needles in my foot

tacoman007 2

Oh yeah, take that cactus! how do you like my piss all over you? wait what? No! down fido, down! Damn it, I fell into a cactus while attempting to piss on it! that's the 3rd time this week!

I wholeheartedly agree with #30, but I have two small questions to ask: Did you ever think that it MIGHT be a bad idea to stand 2ft. away from something incredibly pointy, with your balls hanging out? Who came to scissor your man-card? Because no one who intentionally puts his balls in that kind of danger deserves to call herself a man! Other than that, I laughed for 5 minutes straight, giggled for fifteen, and favourite'd you =)

why the hell would you pee on a cactus????

Your dog..jumped on your back? What kind of dog is that? Did he want a piggyback ride or something?

us guys these days will piss on i right????