It doesn't exist

By getafucktoysomewhereelsedude - 16/05/2013 20:31 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I had to listen to yet another delusional fuckface at school bitch about how a girl he's interested in put him in the "friendzone". I really couldn't focus on my work, so I tried to shut him up by saying he's an idiot, not least because she already has a boyfriend. I now have a black eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 398
You deserved it 17 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh gosh finally, the revolt against the friendzoned "nice guys" has begun!


Pinkfun69 4

On the plus side, you probably shut him up.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but but this FML doesn't make sense to me. How can the idiot be "delusional" about being in the "friend-zone" wouldn't he be delusional about being friends with benefits? Friend-zone seems accurate if she has a boyfriend. So in my opinion YDI.

There's a difference between a guy saying he is "friends" with a girl and saying he's been "friend-zoned". Very different implications.

He's delusional because the term "friend zone" implies that he was acting nice to the girl in order to get her to date him, rather than out of genuine interest in her friendship, and got pissed off when she didn't return his feelings. Self-proclaimed Nice Guys tend to think that a female's friendship is a shitty consolation prize. If they were really as "nice" as they like to say they are, they would value the girl's friendship even without romance or intimacy. But they seem to think that they are entitled to something more than that. Thus, delusional.

Oh noooooooo how dare he have hopes and wishes of reciprocated looooooove. What an asshole he is for having feelings for a girl who didn't like him back and then feeling bad about it, that makes him such a monster. I'm sooooooo glad a heeeero like you was around to not let other people deal with their emotions however they see fit, I'm sure that, if it wasn't for you he would have *whined* to his friends maybe even gotten frustrated! Thank god you were there to stop THAT! Bless you. YDI for being a self-congratulatory, slef-proclaimed hero unable to get off your imagined high horse.

TVKill3r 15

And maybe he has to hear it all the time. Put yourself in his shoes. Imagine being understanding all the time but after awhile just getting sick of having to hear this shit all the time. So she isn't interested, move on. Find someone else who is actually interested and date them. Don't go to people and whine. No one and I mean NO ONE wants to hear you cry about how a girl doesn't like you.

Oh yeah it makes a lot more sense to put myself in the shoes of the guy *without* a broken heart than in those of the guy who was just rejected! He clearly has a lot more problems, what with being *surrounded* by unhappy people! That must be so bad for him! It's ironic that you invoke empathy while showing very little yourself. If you don't want to listen to people whining about being rejected then DON'T LISTEN. It's really very simple. The same way that, if that girl doesn't want to date that guy, then SHE WON'T. She doesn't need any self-proclaimed hero standing up for her to protect her from... what? The inane blowback of an unfortunate human interaction? If anyone needs to be protected from THAT then, whoever that is, is being as petty and immature as the kid who doesn't know how to deal with rejection.

Funny how you're conveniently leaving out the part where the guy was trying to get in the pants of a girl WHO ALREADY HAS A BOYFRIEND, Allegro. That's pretty telling, I think, along with your belief that empathizing and finding disgusting behavior disgusting is somehow a bad thing.

I'm not saying the other kid is some sort of hero or anything like that, but I AM condemning OPs actions. The other kid *whined* about his feelings. He didn't attack anyone, he didn't insult anyone, he didn't get in anyone's way in any way that MATTERS to anyone with a minimum of social adequacy yet OP felt that being socially inadequate was enough of a sin to justify both contempt and verbal attacks. HE is in the wrong here, and he got a black eye for his troubles. Well deserved too. And what does it matter if the girl has a boyfriend or not, if she didn't like him back? Would the kid's feelings have been any more reciprocated if she was single? Would his whining have been any more justified? I believe the answer to all three is NO. This kid is clearly not tremendously capable, socially speaking, and he got a crush on the wrong girl. WHY is that an unforgivable sin, all of a sudden? Because it was an uncomfortable situation, for everyone involved? As I said, if anyone believes people need protection from THAT then he or she is beyond entitlement and well into delusion. Clearly this girl felt she didn't, because she just did as she had to. She just told the guy "not interested". The backlash for rejection that is always hurt feelings, and hurt feelings lead to people feeling sadness and self-pity WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT. Your priorities are messed up if you think that treating someone like some sort of monster for not knowing how to deal with his/her feelings is justifiable but berating someone for interacting with you in ways that you weren't expecting or making you hear things you disagree with is somehow A-OK.

You are grossly over stating everything, the kid was being a whining about not getting some stupid bitch who already had a boyfriend, OP was working and trying to concentrate and the kid knew this. OP had every right to tell the kid off and call him pathetic. i've been in both spots myself. The little **** had no right to punch OP for calling him out on being pathetic loser. Theres a difference between friend-zone and being told no, learn it. and its not a sin, but it is stupid to go after a girl with a boyfriend and then complain how she doesnt love you to ANYBODY. Shake it off and go find another girl who isnt already involved with somebody. Also albeit that the kid got rejected, its not the end of the world there was no problem, nothing gained nothing lost, while OP was trying to work and lost concentration. You MUST be one of those kids that feels its right to complain about everything to everybody, nobody has to give a crap about your problems, but people do just to try and shut you up faster most of the time.

Maybe Allegro is the guy OP's talking about in the FML...

Out of curiosity why are you calling the girl a 'stupid bitch'? What did she do?

#92 - Did you even *read* my responses? YOU are the ones feeling they can complain about every little non-problem in their lives, so much so that you feel the need to respond to problems that AREN'T EVEN PROBLEMS. "Oh nooo, the idea of 'friend-zone' is something I don't like! HOW DARE YOU THINK THOSE THINGS NEXT TO ME!! I'LL SHOW YOOOOUUUU!!" A girl had a guy after her that she didn't want, the girl told the guy she wasn't interested, the guy felt bad about it and complained *to his friends*. THAT WAS THAT. In no adult world is that a problem, yet OP thought appropriate to start insulting people over it? WHY? However little justification rejected dude may have had to complain about his COMPLETELY UNDERSTANDABLE FEELINGS OF REJECTION (seeing as he *had*, indeed, been rejected) to his friends, there was even less justification for THE GUY STANDING NEXT TO THEM TO DO SO ON ACCOUNT OF HIS COMPLETELY OVERBLOWN FEELINGS OF ANNOYANCE OVER AN IDEA THAT HE DISAGREED WITH yet not only did he *complain*, which it seems I need to remind you is precisely that which all of you have been intent on condemning because apparently *whining* is the real bane of society, but he resorted to insults and got involved in somebody else's business, something NOBODY ELSE HAD DONE AT THIS POINT. Both of these people are immature and have zero capacity for socialization, but only one of them escalated the situation for no reason other than his own aggrandizement and self-congratulation. And when he did, he got socked in the face. Why? For being an entitled, oversensitive, wannabe hero of a non-cause. HE DESERVES IT.

allegro, after reading your comments, you're so wrong. Sorry, but if the rejected duded is randomly complaining to a bunch of people he doesn't know... he's a whiny little idiot who deserves to be told to shut up. He deserves to be reminded of the fact that chick had a boyfriend already. I see the escalation as the punch. because before then it was just words. annoying words.

@Allegro, your so called respones are essay like abominations partially written in all caps. You can't expect anyone in their right mind to weed through such a inpenetrable wall of bullshit.

Please, explain to us how you can disable your ears whenever you want it.

Woah, 92. For the most part you make a good point, but why is the girl a "stupid bitch"? That seems uncalled for.

#108 - Please elaborate. You're only repeating the position opposite my own, which is not really making an argument.

I don't get how people are 'friendzoned'. Surely they were in that zone to start with? People often don't read the signs.

I really want to kiss and thank OP for this FML. I hate these kind of men with a passion. The funny thing is that he's probably a hypocrite. I bet that he was asked once by a girl and rejected her the same way. Some guys expect every girl to ignore their own standards and give them chances. If a girl just doesn't like you then move on and don't whine like a little bitch. Don't expect a girl to force herself into liking someone she doesn't find very tasteful.

She doesn't even need to dislike the guy, a girl simply isn't attracted to EVERY guy just because she likes guys in general. But somehow some men can't grasp that fulfilling this one criteria doesn't automatically mean she is attracted to him. So yeah, I totally agree with you.

Yes! There are no ******* thing like "the friend zone". It is just guys who think women need to repay basic human decency with sex. No women, or human of any kind or gender, needs to repay decency with anything other than decency. Or the guy simply cannot accept that the girl he likes just don't like him back in that way. Is she supposed to ignore her own feeling just because he likes her? Also, since when did friendship become a crappy comfort prize? We all overvalue romantic relationships and undervalue friendship. A partner cannot fully substitute friends.

OP, you had that one coming... Why insult him right away? Why not simply move to another table and mind your own business?

Alastrina_fml 20

I would LOVE to see an end to this "friend zone" nonsense. Before I got married, I was always up-front about my feelings with boys.....I didn't play coy or drop hints or take advantage of anyone, I spoke in plain english about simply not being interested. Most of the time the honesty was greatly appreciated....only once a few years ago did it get me a verbal lashing from a "Nice Guy" I had just been out with. I didn't feel any chemistry between he and I and I respected him too much to pretend otherwise, so I told him so and it got me a verbal lashing about what a bitch I was for not wanting to date him. Some boys really need to get over themselves. In those particular instances, I wish it was still socially acceptable for a woman to slap a man's face if he was rude towards her. [circa 1850 or so]