It doesn't exist

By getafucktoysomewhereelsedude - 16/05/2013 20:31 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I had to listen to yet another delusional fuckface at school bitch about how a girl he's interested in put him in the "friendzone". I really couldn't focus on my work, so I tried to shut him up by saying he's an idiot, not least because she already has a boyfriend. I now have a black eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 398
You deserved it 17 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh gosh finally, the revolt against the friendzoned "nice guys" has begun!


You didn't need to call him an idiot, but it's obvious he was one. Next time call him out but in a more sly way that makes him call himself an idiot.

I've been friend zoned before. That doesn't mean that I don't agree that the guy was an idiot. People really abuse the word far too often.

CharresBarkrey 15

Oh please. You've been friends with a girl you liked, that's all. She has no obligation to try to have feelings for you just because you had them for her.

maimengming 10

14- Do guys ever think about how the girl feels when they constantly get told they've friendzoned someone? I have been that girl and it sucks. I felt terrible at first, because I knew how it felt to be rejected, but then he kept complaining about it and bringing it back up. After a while you really just don't want to hear it anymore. Girls get rejected all the time and are just expected to get over it eventually. Guys, who are usually the ones who complain about the 'friendzone', think they are entitled to have a girlfriend just because they like them.

Actually, FYI, I've been broken up with twice due to being "friendzoned." Yes, you read correctly; I've been friendzoned by two different GIRLFRIENDS. So I don't see how either of you can call me out for making assumptions about feelings.

nisse_fml 9

So what you're saying is that two GIRLFRIENDS have dumped you and said "how about we're just friends"? Try to get it into your head: It doesn't matter if your mother says you're the bestsest boy in the whole wide world. Women, like men, can change, grow tired or just not be interested in you. That doesn't mean there's a zone you've been placed in.

14, go find a post by a guy named 'Kn0wledge123' under 6's replies. I think what he said may sum you up, perfectly.

maimengming 10

121- Everyone gets broken up with. That does not mean you've been put into an imaginary 'friendzone'. All you did was prove my point about guys usually being the ones saying they're in the friendzone. It's not just men who are allowed to end relationships. And yes, it is very possible to stay friends after breaking up. I have two exs that I'm still friends with. That doesn't mean they're in the 'friendzone'. It just means that we didn't work romantically but still want to be friends.

You know what? I never asked for sympathy or judgement, so I don't know why everyone's being so rude. I never said that I expected any girl to have feelings for me, nor did I ever mention any sort of "obligation." Not once did I ever say that the "friendzone" was a physical or mental area; I simply regard it as a general term for being friends with a girl you might or might not have ever had feelings for. Yes, I agree that it's very possible to continue being friends; one of these exes that I mention is now my best friend. But the fact that everyone seems to think my a whiny asshole because of their own biased assumptions... well, honestly, you're all trying to judge a book by its cover. What I DID try to say is that the "delusional fuckface" that this FML is about was accurately named for expecting a relationship with a girl who's already taken.

perdix 29

You've never heard of "fightin' words" and what you need to be ready for when you issue them? What does that say about you that you got sucker-punched by a so-called "idiot?"

Sorry, OP, but you call someone an idiot you get what you get.

Because idiot is one of the worst things you can call someone...

By his own admission idiot was just the beginning.

Wow. Bring friend zoned does suck though..

Oh stop with the "friend-zone" crap. If a girl is not interested in you, she does not have to sleep with you, no matter how nice you pretend to be (if you were genuinely nice, you would be so even without hoping for sex). And if she chooses to date a guy you consider to be an asshole, it's her right as well. Your right, however, is to stop whining and find another girl. Not linger on, hoping she'll change her mind, whereas she thinks that you're just honestly being her friend.

#21, that is exactly right. And even if the girl is not dating anyone, that still doesn't give the guy the right to complain about being "friend zoned"--she doesn't have to be taken to say no to him, and if he's really a "good guy", he'd respect her feelings regardless.

It is exactly his right to complain about it. It is not however his right to /do/ anything about it. No one likes rejection, not even douchebags like the guy who blackened OP's lamp.

So, people don't have the right to be sad or disappointed when their feelings aren't reciprocated?

39, He has the right to complain about, it is called freedom of speech. Most likely complaining won't change anything, though.

complain, yes, but make the girl out to be an "asshole dating, friend-zoning bitch" while still pining after her... no. At least when I hear guys complain about being friend-zoned its not in the "she doesn't know what she's missing" way... they are more complaining about how horrible she is for not wanting to date him and making her out to be the bad guy for not dating him.

mvc3ftw 17

Holy Shit people,let it go.You all are getting hot and bothered by one stupid phrase,just let it die out or whatever make those phrases disappear like the phrase "that's what she said..." well at least i hope it's gone.

I'm guessing OP's a guy (I'm on my phone). Unlucky man, although if you're going to insult an already vulnerable over emotional guy, maybe you should have seen this coming.

Vulberalble enough to punch someone in the face...

98 - Well yeah, I mean he's just been rejected by this girl, he's complaining about it, OP comes makes him look stupid; he's gonna react in a way that will take back his masculinity and show he's not a wuss.

How would punching OP do him any good? Will it make him feel better? Will it make him get the girl? He could have vocalized his discontent with OP's comment. Personally I side with OP on this one, people who keep whining are annoying.

Glitterhinoceros 14

Why don't you keep your opinions to yourself, OP, and keep in mind not everybody asked for them.

are you kidding? if someone is being an ass then he should most certainly be aware of it

What did the guy expect OP to do? He was whining to him, so I think OP wasn't wrong to say his opinions.

#19 Keep your opinion for yourself, no one asked for them.

If you're whining about your petty problems to some random person, then yeah, you deserves to hear his opinion. Poor OP didn't ask to hear that dude whine. Only people who watch those crap reality shows care about every tiny detail in people's lives.

LaLa_xo 14

The run-on sentence in this FML confuses me.

he deserved being friendzoned n a half o.o

**** the friendzone. **** male entitlement. **** the way this ******** clearly thinks that just cos he's been nice to this girl for a few days she should ditch her current relationship and give him a try just as thanks for giving her the time of day. The whole concept of 'the friendzone' is insanely depressing and gross.

CharresBarkrey 15

2 comments in and I can already tell I'm gonna like you.

Hurrah! I worry I am too opinionated. I will endeavour not to let you down, CharresBarkrey.

Alastrina_fml 20

People are going to take that the wrong way, so it's probably best not to call it "MALE entitlement", because I've seen numerous women whining about being friend-zoned too. People just find that hard to believe for the same reason they can't conceive of a guy turning down sex.

It is indeed "male entitlement", as it derives from a larger cultural attitude that men have some sort of right to women sexually (e.g. street harassment, and other instances in which the man has the "right" to bother some woman in public without her consent). The fact that some women now use the term "friend zone" demonstrates that things aren't nearly as inequitable as they used to be, but it's still largely a male cultural thing.

Bullshit, "male entitlement" implies it's a thing intrinsic to men. It isn't, by your own admission. Sometimes I think people like you actually want misogyny to continue in the world, because if it didn't, you'd have nothing to crusade against. Except maybe your own sexism.

Because only guys get friendzoned. Guys only want sex. It's never about a relationship and unrequited love.

I can see what they mean though. Both guys and girls get "friend zoned" but I think it's more of a stigma for women to turn down men (especially "nice" men), because it's an expectation in our society that women should like men primarily for their personality/sense of humor/niceness/etc as opposed to their looks or whether there is genuine attraction/chemistry between them. And if she turns down a "nice guy" because she's not interested in him or doesn't find him attractive, people might accuse her of being a bitch, being frigid, or for leading him on...even if she has done none of those things.

RuskiManBearPig 4

Male culture? Did you come up with that sexist bullshit on your own? Im so proud. Ive met plenty of female "nice guys"