It doesn't exist

By getafucktoysomewhereelsedude - 16/05/2013 20:31 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I had to listen to yet another delusional fuckface at school bitch about how a girl he's interested in put him in the "friendzone". I really couldn't focus on my work, so I tried to shut him up by saying he's an idiot, not least because she already has a boyfriend. I now have a black eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 398
You deserved it 17 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh gosh finally, the revolt against the friendzoned "nice guys" has begun!


yzzami 17

I hate it when guys think that just because they like a girl, they are obligated to feel the same

It works both ways, although men are more vocal about it, in general.

Very few things irritate me more than self-entitled douchebags who think girls are machines that you can drop "nice guy" coins into to make sex or a relationship come out. It doesn't work that way, brah. If she's not interested in you, she is not obligated to sleep with you. Put on your big boy pants and move on.

Featherwind 11

That sucks, OP. Having to deal with annoying high schoolers sucks and I feel you. However, you could have put it a little more politely or just moved. Or used headphones. FYL

What pisses me off the most about the "friendzone" expression, is that most of the time, it's actually presumptuous. I doubt that this douchebag who punched OP, is considered a friend by the girl.

True. Very true. Some guys' heads are just so far up their own asses that they think a kick to the balls after unwanted sexual advances is considered "friendzoning".

"Delusional fuckface" - accurately describes nearly all the kids who attend my school. I hear you, OP. Ice your eye, and the next time you see that asswipe, punch his ass back.

InvisibleMonster_fml 16

YDI OP, you should've minded your business, especially if he's delusional.

I'm probably going to get the negative vote off. However you sound like the typical angry kid at school that hates everyone and thinks everyone hates you. I bet if you adjusted your attitude a bit you wouldn't have to get worried about getting a black eye and more people would like you.

PiNkMoOn 9

sorry for that,of course he loves her,so that hurted his feelings