Irony failure

By alcoholic - 31/10/2009 14:30 - Estonia

Today, I was telling my teenage daughter about the effects from alcohol, and how she should not give in to peer pressure. While talking, I noticed that she was looking at me funny. There was a wine glass in my hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 823
You deserved it 51 683

Same thing different taste

Top comments

**** everyone who's insulting the OP's parenting. Unless the OP abuses alcohol (there is no solid indication she does), there's nothing wrong with her parenting. The daughter is underage, the OP is not.

greenltrn2003 0


Now you sound like my mother. I will say, chances are the message got through. At least if she looks at you the way I look at my mother when's she been drinking..

drinking is great you dump rats ass fucktydo

cryssycakesx3 22

if you're going to throw out totally vapid insults, (which I'm sure you thought was exceptionally brilliant,) at least spell dumb* correctly. B and P aren't even close to each other.

I've got to be honest 90% of the people who comment on these posts are so anal, I mean there is nothing wrong with this fml, it's quite funny. some people need to grow up, I guess that's the problem, a little bit of moral education spanning over 15 or so years. thumbs up to this, get up to some council estate up north and see what it's like to really live

ilaaFML 0

haah love, she probably didnt even notice the wine glass, she was probably thinking, ohh shitt, did she find out about last friday? ;)

Appearently one of the effects of alcohol is not realizing you're holding a wine glass.

so? your an adult you can drink if you want.

kittea86 0

hello ppl she is of drinking age and is allowed to have an occasional glass. the kid is underage.. huge f'ing difference