
By workfordayzz - 14/05/2014 17:45 - United States

Today, I realized that because of my construction job, I have spent such a huge amount of time with older, cynical guys that I keep uncontrollably using the phrase "fucking kids these days" regularly like an idiot. I'm 18. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 306
You deserved it 8 958

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You might want to avoid playgrounds and/or schools.

Learn to hate the world early, it'll save you a lot of time learning the hard way.


The ******* kids today with their facebooks and ipods and snapchats and selfies. Get off my lawn! *shakes the cane she actually has*

Completely understand what you mean--I work in construction as well. I work with mostly guys, at least 11 years older than me. They've taught me to swear like a sailor and make off color remarks. But at least I can tell you I've learned a ton [of work related info] from them. Keep your ears open and I wish you luck with all of those ******* kids these days ;)

Just wait until you're in your 40's and you realize that you were speaking about your self in future the past.. :)

Haha that sounds like something that I would do. :)

Lol love it! It's also called maturing and when you see people your age or younger doing dumb things you think ******* kids lol

Goblin182 26

Kids these days, they pick up the bad habits of the people they are around so easily.