
By Anonymous - 25/04/2009 21:51 - United States

Today, while walking through the halls of my high school, my boyfriend and I shared a quick kiss. A young teacher walked by and told us to stop due to Personal Display of Affection rules at our school. She then looked at my boyfriend and told him he could do so much better. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 428
You deserved it 6 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

actonthat 0

I feel like you probably meant "Public Displays of Affection." (Though, I'm torn over whether or not it should be capitalized. Meh.)

That sucks, forget that teacher. Most of them don't know what the hell is going on anyway,


Luv4pink1721 0

Id say.. "Not what your husband said to me last night Hunny" and Blow a kiss at her.. What a bitch

maybe the teacher just wanted on. go for it.

**** the school rules! You can kiss anybody you like. Maybe the teacher meant he can do so much better at school. If not then she's a total biatch.

Who cares what the teacher thinks? Your boyfriend's opinion is the one that matters, and he obviously wants you

Remember hugs are also displays of affection so NO HUGS 4 YOU

why_do_i_suck 0

bummer. being ugly really does suck, not that i would know because no one ever said that to me, but sorry for you being ugly.

Your boyfriend can do better! It's Public Displays of Affections. Not Personal. The teacher is a bitch, but YDI.