By Anonymous - 04/07/2009 06:07 - United States

Today, my boyfriend returned from a 2-month internship in New York. As I saw him exit the plane, I imagined him running to me and kissing/spinning me around passionately like in movies. He got closer and closer, and as I opened my arms to embrace him, he runs past me saying, "BRB, I GOTTA TAKE A SHIT." FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 791
You deserved it 10 756

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LuckyCharms_fml 0

Your life is ****** because your boyfriend needed a poo when he got off a plane?


zee209 0

So? He was probably on the airplane for a few hours and didn't want to use the disgusting bathroom...You're so childish and stupid.

MadamOracle 0

dump him... im sorry to say he really didnt miss you, cuz he would have hugged and kissed u first even for a moment before running to the bathroom

Vilen1025 0

@ OP - you're an idiot. I agree with #119 - you've been watching too many movies. How do you know that he could hold it? It's possible that he needed to go immediately or dump in his pants.

Seriously not a big deal. Two months isn't that long and you're lucky he was considerate enough to not try and make out with you while he was holding back a shit which would be very unromantic

loL xD emergency, i guess.... but he's GOTTA go, so.. haha. xD

Guess romance isn't in his genetic makeup.