I want to smell feet

By Anonymous - 31/03/2015 05:56 - Asia/Pacific Region

Today, and pretty much every day, my co-worker takes off her shoes while working. The smell of her feet makes me dizzy. I don't know if she's oblivious to the fact that her feet stink, or she just doesn't care. It's affecting the quality of my work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 077
You deserved it 2 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surreptitiously spray her feet with fragrant disinfectant every time you walk past her. Soon she'll be smelling like Spring Flowers and Ocean Spray, and people will be begging her to walk around barefoot.

giantsfan2010 23

You should talk to her about it.


bandit223 6

Leave an anonymous note to either her or a higher up.

just buy her a can of foot spray and leave it on her desk. she'll get the message

wow! that's rough! I can't imagine. tell her? In the nicest way possible?

I had a coworker like that once ... We put the febreeze stand-alone air fresheners in the floor by her desk all the time.

Emiweb 9

Eep! I hope this isn't about me! As far as I'm aware, me feets don't pong. I hope!

Kindly talk to her and ask if she'd please put on her shoes. If she refuses, explain your problem without making a scene out of it (which she might??) If she still doesn't come to her senses, talk with your boss about. It shouldn't be too much to ask to have people put on their shoes while they work if it affects the other people... I know it's not easy to do this, but hopefully you'll be successful.

You could always ask nicely for her to put them on

Just ask her politely to stop taking off her shoes, and tell her how it is distracting. If that doesn't work, bring the situation up to your boss. Good luck OP!