I wanna see the referee's nose hairs

By LCDhell - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my husband bought a new 80-inch TV. Not only can we barely afford it, but it also blocks our doorways no matter where we put it. He refuses to return it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 880
You deserved it 4 129

Top comments

Buttsexpirate 9


Poetaster 10

To encumber your family to this degree is not only selfish but ignorant. Great example on how to demonstrate priorities to your children...

I don't remember reading about children. Sounds like an assumption on your part.

StromyG2 10

This sounds like something my boyfriend would do. You should just buy shoes to make yourself feel better (that's something I would do).

Maybe your husband just wanna change a house not the TV. The 80 inches TV is just one excuse.

and that's how people go into debt. they buy things they can't pay back and just keep sinking.

welcome to modern day society op.. where it is filled with material objects, and people that can't afford them.

Wow, I didn't even know they made TVs that big. XD I would tell you to return the TV while your husband is sleeping or at work, but considering he already bought it without consulting you, I have a feeling he would just go right back and get it again. FYL indeed OP. Someone needs to explain to your husband that major purchases shouldn't be made without consulting your SO and that a big part of being married is compromising.

there is plenty of room on the ceiling above your bed.

Yes, divorce is clearly the solution for this situation. Grow up, son.

felah17 6

Keep the tv. Return the husband.