I wanna see the referee's nose hairs

By LCDhell - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my husband bought a new 80-inch TV. Not only can we barely afford it, but it also blocks our doorways no matter where we put it. He refuses to return it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 880
You deserved it 4 129

Top comments

Buttsexpirate 9


RedPillSucks 31

Not everyone can afford a house with that amenity. Notice that OP indicated that they could barely afford the TV.

EnEl_Infierno 15

#24 & 29 that's the same way with us guys we will never understand why a woman would need 40 pairs of shoes.

btstig 11

What's the big ******* deal with him buying an 80 inch flatscreen. I'll bet money he has damn near emptied his pockets for you. Quit acting like a bitch. Hope he gets a chance to enjoy his toy, without you ruining it for him.

p3mguin 7

The problem is that op cannot get around her house anymore. Considering (just taking a guess here) Op has a job too which Is paying on the house as well. She wants what she worked hard for.

btstig 11

Also , shouldn't you be in school Mr. Penguin kid guy. ( just taking a guess here) Your grades would be better if you would get off the damn phone and pay attention in class.

buy a second controller and piss him off

richboii 0

I gotta bigger tv in my closet..