I'm not worth it!

By TheBadGuyDuh - 03/08/2023 14:00

Today, ex-fiancee attempted to off herself because I dumped her for someone else. I’m getting blamed for it. They don’t understand that it wasn’t fair to her for me to string her along when I had feelings for someone else. She did this out her own free will. Yet, I’m the “bad guy.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 662
You deserved it 705

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, given the language you are using in this post, it seems like you give zero f**ks about what you put her through. You were her fiancee, she was looking forward to spending the rest of her life with you. And then you just, to put it in your words "dump her". And you left her for someone else, making her feel worthless. You shattered her trust, not only in you, but for other prospective suitors as well. I understand that you had feelings for someone else, but given the level of consideration I'm seeing, just from this post alone, it seems like you approached the situation indelicately. She feels abandoned. I don't blame those around her for seeing you as the bad guy.

…okay, but *did* you string her along well after you knew you were in love with someone else? Or did it happen organically? Because that is a significant factor on whether this is a FYL or YDI, in my opinion.


While threatening to kill yourself is emotional blackmail and not okay it does also sound like you were an absolute dick to her. At least take enough responsibility to admit you acted like a knob