I'm not paid enough for this

By aaaa - 25/09/2018 17:30

Today, while helping a child through a tantrum, I was kicked and my hand broke. The bone is completely in half and fixing it will require plates, screws, and surgery along with months of recovery. Another day on the job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 236
You deserved it 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, at least you have Worker's Comp to get you going! Almost makes up for the pain

Alup132 22

I think there’s gotta be someone, whether work or the parents, that can at least partially pay for the expenses.


IMO the best way to deal with a tantruming child is to let them have at it. Just make sure they don’t hurt themselves or someone else. A little child having a tantrum is impossible to reason with.

We'd just spray them with a hose stop's those little bastards tantrums instantly 😈 I used to work in last resort houses for people to violent to be in a mental institute and not mentally competent enough to be in prison or youth facility, they can be violent and could throw Tantrums for days on end we weren't allowed to physically restrain so extreme distraction was used to stop their Tantrums 😏

Sue the brat's parents. There was a lawsuit once where a woman's toddler was running around, she tripped over said toddler, and sued the store she was in. And I think she won, too. Surely you can sue for this.

cdaddy15 3

Ummm can you sue the kids parents ?