How could you?

By Anonymous - 23/08/2013 23:30 - United States

Today, my boyfriend dumped me for "cheating" on him by using a vibrator. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 541
You deserved it 17 221

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, OP, did you name your vibrator, and take him out for dinner and drinks before bringing him back home and making sweet love to him? Because if so, he might have a point.

dinosxxrawr 22

he doesn't understand that no man can do what a vibrator can.


Martinez0285 28

eff his life for letting a toy become a better lover :P

Hey I bet he at times goes home and pleasures himself at times also...what teenager/young adult doesn't **********?

Poetaster 10

Wow!! He nixxed you because of the warm-up team???

an3ph 20

You should dump him right back for cheating with his hand.

Tell him that you'll dump the vibrator if he can do 1000 rpm

it's time to find another boyfriend, next one will be better

Why is she weird? Most people **********, it's a natural thing. My boyfriend and I have amazing sex, multiple times a week, but that doesn't mean we don't ********** sometimes. It's not weird, it's normal. Her ex sounds like an ass

CharresBarkrey 15

Don't worry, 63, 62 looks like she's about 12. She probably hasn't discovered all of this yet.

dakotahulsey 15

Should find a boyfriend that makes sure you don't need one.

Obviously your vibrator is a better boyfriend... ;)))

Lol my boyfriend bought me one and loves to use it on me. Our ex sounds boring.

Ins0mau 20

You and OP both had the same ex!?! What a coincidence!