HOAs suck

By really? - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got a notice from the housing association, if I don't water my lawn I will be charged a $150 fine. Yet if I do water my lawn the city with charge me a $150 fine because of the drought. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 943
You deserved it 1 702

Top comments

Report the housing association to the city? They probably can't be telling people to do that right now.


pshh who cares about the drought there are lawns to water and keep green who needs to drink water this is amrca

Perform a rain dance and hope for showers in the forecast. ☔️

Hunkapoo 19

why don't the residents of California desalinate some ocean water individually, you have a great resource there. It's a relatively easy process too.

UhHuhHoney 20

Some of us live hours away from the ocean.

It may be relatively easy but we'd need more desalination stations and that costs money, not to mention the fossil fuels needed. It's easier and better to conserve water.

I was just saying to my husband last night that I don't know why California isn't already doing that. The US Navy has been doing it on ships for decades and it works great. We saw on the news last night that there are actually plans to get some desalination plants going in California. Just don't know why it took them so long.

Desalination plants are expensive to build and maintain, not to mention pouring all those tons of fossil fuels into the air as previously mentioned. As for desal plants on Navy ships, most of those boats run on nuclear reactors, so unless you have some uranium-235 lying around…

Lol, 35. Pretty sure the Californian government can get a nuclear powered desalination plant built if they really set their minds to it. It's not like land based nuclear power plants are unheard of. Not sure if that's what they plan to do, but it's not as if it's some crazy science fiction idea.

Not to mention, water is a pretty important resource, and the population in California will only grow. If water is really in that short supply, I would think it would be worth it to consider all options.

Most US navy ships run on nuclear plants? US Navy has nuclear powered submarines and aircraft carriers yes, but what about the cruisers, destroyers and frigates? US Navy has about 150 subs and 10 carriers on nuclear power (which is about half the total number of ships), everything is still conventional. And those still carry desalination plants.

Many cruise ships do desalination. Pretty sure they aren't nuclear.

Because our state was run by republicans for a very long time and ruined California's economy.

Nine of the 10 fastest growing U.S. states in the fourth quarter of 2013 were controlled by Republicans governors, according to the most recently available data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Blame it on shitty people in California instead.

They're not doing it because it's very expensive. The drought will end eventually -hopefully this winter. I hope !

Hunkapoo 19

Ive heard the pants were pretty expensive, that's why I said individually, yet it is a downfall for those not near the coast.

zeffra13 31

#127 unless you literally live next to the beach, no one is going to drive that far to carry back water. Too much gas.

If only California was having a lack of salt; it's a lot easier to get the water out of the salt than it it to get the salt out of the water.

bredahl 26

I'd say buy a 32 back of Nestle - as they're bleeding California's resources dry -- and use that to water your lawn, but then that's supporting the corporation that's making the drought worse.

Lol we don't have these kinds of problems in Canada.... (I'm from Toronto) anyways, sounds like to me the best thing to do is just not water your lawn since either way you're going to be charged $150, but this way you won't have to do any work

Have you read news from bc at all this summer? Lots of areas had water restrictions, and so many fires across bc, ab, and sask. unfortunately, canada does have this problem :(

Sorry, I guess I haven't been as well informed as I thought. Then again, I've never been to anywhere else in Canada besides Toronto, and we don't have that problem here (surrounded by the Great Lakes ya know? :p)

juturnaamo 29

So big we seldom bother To go see one another But we often go to other Countries for vacation.

Housing associations are insane. Welcome to a free country where everything is illegal.

Yeah I'd report the housing department to the epa. They shouldnt even be suggesting that

myoukei 31

It's not the government's fault that homeowners' associations suck so much metaphorical dick....

The_Big_Boss 20

Spoken by somebody who clearly has no concept of living paycheck to paycheck. Also, it doesn't really matter whether OP considers it a lot of money (although somehow I suspect that it is a sizable sum to them, given that they posted it on FML). I think the point is, it shouldn't be necessary to pay out a fine for something that is absolutely out of their control. Would you seriously pay a fine for something as ridiculous as this, or would you try to fight it?

Chris_1414 21

I agree with #64 regardless of how much $150 is in OP's eyes it's also about the principle of the matter and the audacity of them to require that given the current circumstances.