High on life

By badsister - 10/01/2010 15:37 - United States

Today, I made a batch of "special" brownies for a party I was going to tonight. I wrapped them up and put them on the counter with a note that said DO NOT EAT. Later on I came home from some errands to find a tray of half eaten brownies and my ten year-old sister passed out on the couch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 217
You deserved it 59 735

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mitz_fml 4

You did that with a 10 year old in the house? What a moron!

Brace yourself for millions of ignorant commenters wondering what "special" brownies signify.


For everyone saying "Weed makes people lazy and sit on their ass all day lol" You do realize that you are on the internet. You may disagree with me, but you obviously have nothing better to do with your life than make retarded and inane comments on FML.

gotta love how facts can be altered to fit someones arguments :|

kids+Brownies= Good Kids+Weed brownies= not so good. Next time dont be stupid enough to leave them on a counter.

Wow, I'm shocked at the lack of knowledge about what pot does to a person. I am also surprised that so many people feel that it is common (and even justifiable) for a child to ignore signs and act as they wish. When I was 10 I knew to do as I was told, obey rules and not be selfish. A lot of the child psychology that is being thrown around here (i.e. a note saying NOT to do it makes it more tempting for children) is intended to be applied to YOUNGER children, we are talking like 5 or 6 and younger. It's also a lot easier to say shit like that then to actually teach your kids right from wrong and hold them accountable for their actions. If more parents taught their kids basic respect and responsibility you'd see a lot less people online justifying stupid actions like this from kids. As for the lack of knowledge about pot, seriously guys, I can't even believe someone has to say this. Pot does not make you "see" things, it does not make pretty colors appear, you don't freak out, you do not loose complete control of your actions and there are absolutely 0 deaths reported due to an overdose on marijuana. All it does is make you hungry, lazy, relaxed, tired, calm, etc.

tied her up and hang her upside down from the ceiling fan. than turn it on, she wont wake up, trust me :). have a nice day

OreosdaName 0

ther was 1 comment bout how its the kids that parents have money that its their fault. just cuz our prents have money and we have shiny cars and we can pay for drugs doesnt mean alot.

Actually that is not what my comment said at all. It was in reference to someone saying that potheads are what gives American teenagers a bad name. I pointed out that it's entitled kids who give American teens a bad name. I do not mean every single kid who's parent's have money, I mean the kids who abuse that fact and act as if it makes them special or more important than other people. Which I feel was made pretty clear with my comments about the kids who have shinny cars but then go drinking and wreck them or just abuse the cars in general because their parents will buy them a new one. Most people from other countries don't dislike Americans because we have poor people who are angry about their lives, commonly we are disliked because we are a country that is seen as feeling "entitled". Meaning that we believe we can have what we want when we want it regardless of who it hurts. Therefore it would be the spoiled kids who act like no one else in the world matters but themselves who give teenagers a bad wrap, not some pot head who is sitting in his best friend's basement playing PS2 on the weekends.

You clearly didn't read the whole comment or at least failed to actually understand it. I would suggest rereading it. It is comment #254 and it is regarding a very specific group of people who have money, not every teenager that has a family with money.

Thank you ChibiChibi, even if my point wasn't a good one it was a clear one, haha.

SarahAnne_2009 0

I'm all for making "special" brownies but when you leave them on a counter where a 10 year old can easily get to them, you should be arrested.

Irresponsible asshole. I smoke pot from time to time, but your a jackass for leaving your brownies in reach of a child, note or not. You obviously thought enough to write the note, which means you thought someone might eat them.

That looks stupid now because the person who wrote the original comment replied just before I did apparently. Sorry.

I bet if this were an FML written by someone who got high after eating brownies they weren't supposed to, everyone would be blaming the OP for being an idiot. Being eleven, I'm gonna let you guys in on a little secret on behalf of the little sister and other similarly aged people everywhere; we are kids. Not toddlers. Us ten/eleven year olds can understand a note that says DO NOT EAT. Sure, the OP should have left the brownies in her room, but perhaps the reason she was so relaxed with them was because she understandably thought that her family members had the common decency and self restraint to not eat the food she was going to have to take to a party later. I say FYL.

My stepdad used to eat my baked goods all time, whether they were for him or not. It has more to do with restraint and "the forbiden fruit" than age. Some kids will listen, some wont. Some adults will listen, some wont. At any rate, the OP should not have left the pot brownies in reach of anyone, especially a minor. Its not an FYL, if the OP had made something that wasnt for the purpose of getting high and the sister ate it, it would be.

Kudos to you for being able to show self restraint, it is something a lot of people find difficult.