
By ritz - 10/09/2009 14:15 - United States

Today, I was leaving my job at a huge mall. I couldn't find my car anywhere, so I panicked and flagged a security officer. I cried while he drove me around for miles in the endless parking lot. Then, suddenly, I remembered. My friend had dropped me off in the morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 574
You deserved it 56 238

Same thing different taste


It would seem the Fail Whale has beached itself on Florida's shores lately.

As a security guard I ******* hate people like you, you waste our time. You most likely interrupted his movie he was watching on his laptop and forced him to do something, we hate to do stuff

oohlalaura 0

you CRIED? what are you, 3?! FYL

It's a car not a cell phone. Btw, @ OP HOW STUPID CAN YOU GET? Oh wait, woman in Florida...

Shuinoshina 0

Alzheimer's patients shouldn't be working. How'd you escape your personalized care dear?

how lame..this is really lame..maybe shes old, in that case, poor thing.

Jesus ******* Christ, it scares me to think that people as mentally deficient as you are allowed to own a car at all. FYL, the world must be a scary place for somebody that simple.

moonlight_daze 8

No, because she thought it might have been stolen. That's how I read it anyway.