Help! I need somebody! Anybody!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I called up Verizon Wireless to "complain" about my phone service. I really had nothing to complain about, I was just that lonely that I wanted someone to talk to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 270
You deserved it 31 312

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You feel it's OK to annoy people for no good reason, and wonder why you're alone?

fail. it's called facebook and chatrooms.


A better thing to pretend to complain about would've been the rude people who work in their stores since their service is good... well in my brief experience with them at least lol

JudgeComrade 17

Boo hoo. I'm sure fishing for pity is a great way to better your situation.

gatorgirl7563 22

That's just wrong, OP. Harassing someone because you're lonely. You couldn't lead on a telemarketer instead?

tiptoppc 19

As a person who has worked call centers, i hope you and I don’t meet in an elevator. The job is hell enough without you using us as therapy for your crappy life. We have a crappy life too. Otherwise we wouldn’t be working in call centers

Sonotsuave 35

Lol if you have Verizon there’s plenty to complain about. But seriously, get some friends