
By Anonymous - 10/10/2011 08:29 - Reserved

Today, I walked in on my flatmate squatting over the bathroom scales, completely naked. When I asked what he was doing, he replied very seriously, "Weighing my testicles… you should try it sometime, if they're too heavy you may have cancer." I'm a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 576
You deserved it 3 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Anyone who weighs his testicles should not be taken seriously.


Moitrix 0

Today, I read a fml about someone walking in on a someone weighing their testicles. I then proceded to weigh my own. I need to be more productive.... Fml

Banokles 7

Oh gawd this seems common, I found my housemate doing this, his was on our digital kitchen scales though! Yuck.

xXMudkipNoobXx 7
kitsune3 20

This is what you get for having a male flatmate.

What is a flatmate and also r u guys really close friends if he lets u see his junk? 0_0

Well that's nice, now I can never use the scale in my bathroom again, for fear my boyfriend has been using it to do the same thing..... And none of your business if I think my boyfriend is crazy enough to do that

Your flatmate is a dude? You deserved it.

A standard digital bathroom scale won't detect anything under 10 lbs. If his balls weighed 10+ lbs, that would definitely be a cause for concern!