
By number2 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, it hit me that my dad didn't cry when I moved out, he did so only when I came back later to pick up my cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 152
You deserved it 3 404

Same thing different taste

Top comments

neither of my parents cried when I moved out...I didn't know they were supposed to?

Maybe it was delayed reaction. Maybe it didn't really sink in until you took the cat. Maybe you showing up made him realize he missed you more than he expected. Lots of ways this could happen without it meaning he loved the cat more than you.


jazziness 12

he might not have seen u leave and that's why he cried. maybe.

brainstorm23 0

maybe there was a little *********** going on there and he's gonna miss it

For some people things take time to kick in I'm like that I don't get upset until 20 mins after something has happened if it's something extreme it's not like I'm to slow to process it's just like a feeling of shock at first

maybe taking the cat made it sink in for him?