Hard knock life

By rockytrolley - 08/10/2014 09:01 - Cyprus

Today, my taxi driver kept falling asleep and swerving off the road, so I asked him if he was okay. He stopped and burst out sobbing about the long hours he had to do after his divorce, and his wife taking all he had. Long story short, I ended up driving him home and getting another taxi from his place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 489
You deserved it 3 687

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sionis 3

I agree that sucks but good on your for driving him home

Compassion is becoming rare. You did a good thing.


malea_17 16

Sorry you didn't get to where you need to go on time but at least you helped someone out :)

You banked major karma points. And people reading this FML all over the world are feeling a little better today because of you. Thank you for your compassion!

You're a really good person, OP, by the way, I accidentally hit YDI but didn't mean to, sorry!

thatguy240 27

You're a wonderful person, OP. I'm going through a divorce, too, and it's absolutely heart wrenching. Any kindness can be the difference between a good night or crying to sleep. I'm sure he will never forget what you did.

Well good for him he had a nice person like you in his car. It might have taken you longer to get to your destination but you did a good thing!

Atleast now you'll have a good story to tell.

Beckei 18

That was so nice of you! But that sucks..