Hangry sex

By Krissy - 06/04/2012 02:11 - United States

Today, during sex, my boyfriend stopped and asked if he could eat a sandwich while we do it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 169
You deserved it 4 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BRicci17 4

At least he didn't ask you to make it.

DEzey 0

Gotta refill the calories he's burning.


HITide76808 0

I guess he wanted something other than tuna??

Epikouros 31

I think he misunderstood his mates bragging about sandwiching their girlfriends.

You should appreciate that. Multitasking is difficult but if you throw in sex shit gets very difficult

If you're getting shit, you're doing something wrong with the sex :-)

I say that is your fault for dating a complete tool.

onorexveritas 23

He might use this as something to brag to his friends about but if he's really that big of an asshole then you can also hold it as blackmail. At first I thought i'd love my girl forever if she did that for me but then I thought of the crumbs @-@

jdime209 2

Maybe it's a hint that he is tired? Eat first play later lol.

You must look like a bologna sandwich.