Hangry sex

By Krissy - 06/04/2012 02:11 - United States

Today, during sex, my boyfriend stopped and asked if he could eat a sandwich while we do it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 169
You deserved it 4 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BRicci17 4

At least he didn't ask you to make it.

DEzey 0

Gotta refill the calories he's burning.


Was the sandwich already made? Making a sandwich requires the sexy time to stop. Just finish then eat.

bizarre_ftw 21

It's very obvious that you have sex with a manly man.

A manly man wouldn't ask. He would just dew it.

glee_club 0

You need both hands and your mouth in order to pleasure a girl.

Seriously, how does this crap get on to the site?

Eating a sandwich while hotdog sandwiched - Seems legit.

I suspect it was supposed to be a kind gesture but he made the honest mistake of confusing eating and eating out.

Michael_92 20

Let him, he will have more energy to be spent ;)

simpleman124 1

Need some food? Why not sandwich?

Deny him op, my girlfriend and I tried this once, mistook her nipple for a slice of pepperoni. What a tragic evening that was.