
By Anonymous - 01/04/2009 06:07 - United States

Today, my 8 year-old sister learned how to type her name into a phone using the number keypad. I later found my phone on the kitchen counter with all my contacts under her name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 950
You deserved it 9 827

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No... That's the whole point of having them listed in your phone- so you don't have to memorize them all.


sucks for you. shouldn't have left your phone where she could get it. I have teenaged brothers and I still hide my stuff.

Wwwooowww!!hahahaha that really sucks -- I always hid my stuff.and I really don't know all the numbers in my phone so,yeahh l0l FYL

aleekna 0

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHHAAHAHAHAHAHAH ohhh myy goshhh thats hilarioussss hahahahhaa wow. i love your sister. haahhaa oh...my. ;D

doctorzombie7 0

My friend decided one time to name all my contacts Bacon. She was to about Bacon #15 when I realized what she was doing and stopped her.

@80 i wish we didnt have poeple like you then maybe the world wouldnt be full of idiots, now she has to go through and rename and find out who each persons cell, wich also includes emergancy and business contacts.

2, you're a moron.. Yeah she hacked because she was able to type her name in over and over...

maby u shudnt leave ur things lying around

hausmad1 3

U shouldnt have taught her how to change the contact names!

That's why you passcode lock all of your electronics