
By Dumped - 18/02/2010 08:58 - United States

Today, I found out that my girlfriend got drunk and cheated on me. After I tried to talk to her about it, she dumped me. Not because she didn't like me anymore or that she liked the other guy, but because she felt "too guilty" and "wouldn't be able to look me in the eyes anymore." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 014
You deserved it 3 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh_dee 0

Wow, this sucks a lot (especially if you really loved her), but it's a good thing that you broke up...cheating shouldn't be tolerated and she should feel guilty for what she did. I'm not sure if I would have the strength to give a guy another chance if he cheated on me.


letschat6 5

You deserve much better. What a *****.

omg that's exactly what I did to this guy I was seeing! except I didn't cheat on him I just told him I got drunk and cheated hoping he would break up with me.. when the dumb ass wanted to work it out I just broke up with him using that same excuse! wow small world..

why did you even wanna talk to her, she cheated on you!!!!!

*eyes glaze over and widen with contemplation of the darkness*

You deserve it if your not smart enough to cut it off right away. Sheer feeling guilty is bullshit, if she really felt that guilty she wouldn't have let him inside of her. It doesn't matter how drunk she was.

missababgaga 19

Thats her way of making herself look better in your eyes after she had cheated. Also, it was a way to make herself look like a better person while breaking up with you

She did the right thing. You're too much of a pussy to have dumped her anyway. =/

kristirhong 12

She seems too immature and self conscious to be dating anyways, let alone cheating. Really sorry, OP, that's not fair.

Awe that has to suck for both of you. her feeling guilty and her breaking up with you that's not cool even if she was drunk she still feels pain like you