Great input, dad

By shamed - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, my father met my boyfriend for the first time at dinner. The only thing he said to him the whole evening was, "Are you circumcised?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 788
You deserved it 3 401

Top comments

chels1994 11

Why would your dad want to know that...?


And I thought the art of conversation was dead!

Ya instead of asking if he was circumcised he should have asked his penis size instead.

Carbonation 0

Where did you grow up? What do you do? What are your hobbies? areyoucircumised What do want to do with your life?

ikickgingers 15

The FML's have been quite frisky lately...I quite enjoy this.

"Frisky" Nightingale- is my stripper name! (: (I always think about it when someone uses the word frisky.) Take your first pet's name and the street you lived on, and viola! Now coming to the stage is.....

mattmast3r 6
ikickgingers 15
thrAsHeRr9081 16
2ndSucks 15
yourlifeisbetter_fml 0
slushpup9696 12

OP, that would have been one of the occasions that your boyfriend would not have minded if you answered for him..."Actually dad, none of your business...but he is huge!". That would have shut him up.

Damn_Hippster 11

That us a good question. Your father is a wise man.

33 how is asking your girlfriends boyfriend if he us circumcised a good question?