Great guy

By Anonymous - 10/06/2020 23:10

Today, my husband has been super happy for the last 11 weeks, as he's been able to tell me what to do, when to do it and how to do it. Now I'm allowed to start work again, he's gone back to being super shitty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 800
You deserved it 362

Same thing different taste

Top comments

no, he's been super shitty the entire time, just in different ways. his behavior in both cases is unacceptable. why are you tolerating it? you're not his property


Yeah, you might want to rethink the marriage.

Elisabetha Aarron 18

Gone back to which super shitty. Controlling your every extra is super shitty. He is a never not been super shitty of this is the case