
By dogs_and_toucans - 08/06/2009 18:47 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of 10 months moved to Europe and we may never see each other again, so I gave her a $200 sterling silver heart necklace as a goodbye present. She gave me a pack of gum. Cinnamon, which I'm allergic to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 707
You deserved it 6 806

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you buy her something expensive if you might not see her ever again? YDI

haha thats why when you see someone for the last time you flip them off


cheech19 1

nice present but ur girlfriend now shes a betch

Tell all the English boys you meet, about the American boy back in the states, the American boy you used to date, who would do anything you'd say. Now that I've made a stupid reference none of you will catch...that's the saddest thing I've heard in a while.

92689 0

You spent $200 on a sterling silver necklace? Sterling silver is pretty cheap stuff...sounds like you got ripped off.

shouldnt the love have been enough...

Longdistance-relationships *shaking head sideways*

larforever 0

Don't ya hate loving some one more than they love you

yo when ur not gonna see someone again theres no point in droppin 200 bones on em. just some advice

davdude12 0

Why the hell would u give her something that expensive if A: it's only been ten months and B: u may never see eachother again sorry but YDI for that one P.S usually start off with smaller less expensive gifts

You got jipped on the jewelry, silver doesn't cost that much. And she probably didn't expect that gifts were to be exchanged and when you gave her one was like "Oh crap" and just pulled something out of her pocket to give to you.

I think she was trying to tell you something.