Good question

By epictothemax - 10/03/2009 20:40 - United States

Today, I went home for my grandma's 95th birthday. While there she noticed my new tongue stud and asked why I would get it done. Before I could reply, my cousin said, "So she can can make the boys happier when she's sucking on them." She's 9 years-old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 115
You deserved it 13 173

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lolajelly 0

LMAO i just want to keep up the pattern of starting the comments with LMAO


It's sad how 9 years olds these days know so much... I was terrified a few months ago when I saw my 12 years old cousin reading BL (aka yaoi) on her computer. It's not that I don't read it, but I started when I was 187... she is only 12...

lol the kid told the truth, you know it.

That is why you got it. Why lie about it? :3

Ow! So I take it your cousin wanted to make sure your grandma's 95th birthday was her last.

why did you do it anyways? it looks stupid...

I think it looks good on you. Sucks she had to experience her babysitter doing that. I'm bi too, and I have a very fundamental Christian step-father. Why did you drink before the finals though? It's a better idea to do that, after-wards. Getting drunk causes loss of brain-cells, but a beer a day is healthy for you, and can add years to your life. :]

DCarrasco526 4

I believe you're thinking of wine, not beer.

epictothemax 0

# 46- cause i wanted to and thats ur opinion. fine. #47- thanks i think it does too. lol im gonna have to remember that beer a day thing :)

That sucks for your grandma If she's so fragile your cousin should have been more careful I have a split tongue so imagine the weird comments I get!

glitter_kiss 0

do you have a zipper on it?those are awesome!:D