Good one, Dave, thanks

By sasd32 - 06/03/2009 19:51 - United States

Today, I called a potential employer. I left a message asking him to return my call. When he did, my drunk friend answered my phone with, "I make a sexy-time with my mother in-law." I called him back twice immediately to explain. No answer. That was my last hope for a decent job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 205
You deserved it 8 907

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Flora_fml 6

That totally sucks and I hope you kicked your friend's ass because there's NO excuse for that he did at all!


dkx117 0

well that sucks. next time keep your phone away from your drunk friends.

@5: None of the McDonalds' in a 40 mi radius of my house are hiring...

Really, you should keep your phone away from friends, because they'll **** with your phone. This is especially true when they're drunk

It's not your "last chance" unless you have bills to pay in which case you'd probably want to call home. However, I agree there is no such thing as a last chance with jobs, just keep looking. The economy might be bad or whatnot, but lots of decent places are hiring.

no matter what happened, if you follow through and either personally visit with application/resume in hand as wel as an explanation of the occurrence, you may still have a shot. you have to take the effort to use a different medium of contact

Try calling again tomorrow. I'm confused, though--why would a drunk friend have access to your phone when you know you are expecting a call like this?

you7 0
alexa_rose 0

soo.. im guessing that your friend is either A) an alcoholic or B) 15 years old, that he was drunk that early in the day and conducts himself that way? because in my head- what job employer is going to call you back at around 10,11 o'clock at night - the time people usually would be intoxicated?

Amend that to "my drunk, now dead, friend".