Good boy

By bonertoolong - 23/11/2011 08:19 - United States

Today, I tried to teach my dog tricks. Somehow, I thought it would be easier if I physically showed my dog how to roll, so I rolled on the floor in front of my dog. My sister recorded me and posted it on Facebook. Now everyone thinks I'm an idiot and my dog still can't roll. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 549
You deserved it 24 096

Same thing different taste

Top comments

babegirlsweetiep 0

Try rolling again? Your dogs bound to get it sooner or later.


TatumIshMeh 0

I guess you cant teach an old dog new tricks

Don't you just LOVE new technology!!!!! I remember the days when in order to embarrass someone with a video, we had to send it to America's Funniest Videos!!!!!!

robokid777 4

threaten to destroy her computer all you need is a magnet and no one will know except the people on this website

chubby_choco 17

I've tried this, too. XD At least my little sibling didn't record me doing it...

I want to see the video, of you...r dog rolling over :p

Look up mirror neurons, then tell off your idiotic friends for not knowing about them.