Gimme the pizza

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I ordered a pizza over the phone from Pizza Hut. I turned at the store and waited for over 25 minutes. When they saw me sitting there for such a long time, they eventually asked what i was waiting for. I'd called the wrong Pizza Hut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 080
You deserved it 57 984

Top comments

cucuto89 0

"hello, is my pizza ready yet?" all you had to say.......

Pizza Hut has one number and they then ask you the area you are in and dispatch you to the closest one!


this is not FML worthy; this kind of stupid shit happens to almost everyone everyday and as such, your post dilutes the humorous nature of this website

YDI because this terrible, non-funny, non-f'ed up FML got published

dojindog 0

No, you don't understand they turned at the store!

this doesnt deserve to be up with the rest of the FML's

SeattleSiren 0

Dude! I did that last week!!!!!! Don't worry, it happens to the best of us, but it is your fault!!!!

random_thought 0

you're just stupid. definately not a fml.

Ignominy 0

Ha! I've done that before.... >_>

dude, it happens. I work at the Pewaukee Denny's, which is like two miles away form the Waukesha one. One day, a guy came to our store asking for his food, but we had not had an order to-go for two hours. He had called information, and for some reason, our number was given for that store. The poor people had to wait for us to make it. If the Pizza Hut didnt remake your order for you, then screw em. Usually stores are understanding. I dont think its all that bad. lol. worse things happen. like dropping trays. (me)

cocacola09 0

thats not really an FML....sorry. it would be an fml if you had parked your car on the street, went inside pizza hut to wait for your pizza for a while, found out you went to the wrong pizza hut and then come outside to find your car towed or something.