Get a load of this guy

By Anonymous - 07/07/2011 22:52 - United Kingdom

Today, a businessman in his forties tackled me to the ground in an attempt to take my seat on a crowded train. When that didn't work, he called me a fat bitch and gave me the finger. The seat was given up for me because I'm seven months pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 333
You deserved it 3 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments


ShekaDoll 4

that is so wrong! I wish I could call his mother!

PirateGirl12 11

some people are so heartless

How could you possibly deserve this? I hope this baby is okay - you should go to the doctor and make sure it is. I hope you somehow got that mans info and plan on taking him to court. You should also do something about the train service for not doing something about him.

So you can get mistaken of Fat instead of pregnant and Truly fat people get mistaken for pregnant when they are just fat! :P

oh.!! press charges if the baby is disabled.!!

what a dickwad ! someone shouldv'e gotten up & beaten his ass for you!! i kno i wouldve if i was on the train with you....