Fun fun fun

By BeautifulDisastre - 23/12/2009 10:24 - United States

Today, I drove the six hours to LA to attend my Uncle's birthday party. When I tried to get off at the exit, it took me two hours just to get onto the street where the club was. By the time I showed up, the party was already over, so I ended up going to a Denny's. I drove eight hours for a Denny's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 536
You deserved it 4 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Technically, you drove 14 hours for Denny's, because you still had to drive home, right? Which sucks even more.

perdix 29

You could have joined four waiters in the men's room for a Grand Slam. That could have been worth the drive.


schwinn11 0

Nothing like a one man party at dennys.

I'd drive 8 hrs to go to Sonic or Waffle House but not Denny's. I do miss Sonic... oh oh, I feel a road trip coming on! LOL, spoken like a true fat kid.

My boyfriend and I drove to Indiana for Sonic before they came to Michigan..... It was so worth it.

Tell me about it. My closest Sonic is a 7 hr drive yet we get to see the ads all the time. I want open one just so I can eat there.

You should've driven there the night before and stayed at a hotel.

pancakegremlin 0

Am I really the only one who understands why it took OP so long to get anywhere? LA is a ******* MAZE! And Mapquese sure as hell dun help! It's easy to get lost. Even if you live there!

She still should've left with enough time to get there. I doubt the party was 2 hours, so she wouldve been late anyway.

IHateEvery1 0

yeah LA traffic sucks. its really easy for out-of-towners to get lost. fortunately, i dont. LA is easy to get around in!

CyclonePsycho 1

Sucks, but YDI. For long trips, you plan ahead, especially to places where you aren't used to the driving conditions. For example: if you're trying to get to someplace by 8:00 p.m. then aim to get there around 4:00 to leave room for unexpected events. And were you really planning on driving six hours just to go to one party and then come back? I'd understand if you were staying for a while, but driving six hours to do something for two hours then drive back for six is a colossal waste of time, even if you love your uncle dearly. If you're going to spend over four hours on the road, make it worth it.

wow, that sucks... you should have left a day or two earlier