**** me, I guess

By Anonymous - 25/11/2009 07:35 - United States

Today, my roommate of seven weeks decided to kick me out. He blames me for the stains on his expensive white leather couch, even after a prof cleaner determined it was red wine. I don't drink red wine. He does. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 746
You deserved it 2 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who wants to live with someone who owns a white leather couch anyway??? Is there also a tiger skin rug in the middle of the room, head still attached?

YDI it for rooming with an f*ing douche bag. Maybe it was the blood from his menstrual cycle.


What a loser! Who the he'll buys a white couch, and drinks red wine within spilling distance of it?! Take a perminate marker and write/draw something vulgar on it, and move out. :)

lawllercoasters 0

before you finish moving out, make sure to piss all over his couch

On the bright side, once you've moved out he won't be able to chew you out for the yellow stains you left on his couch.

Don't you think its an obvious excuse because he secretly hates you? Maybe he even planted it who knows.

sounds like there mayhave beem other issues-you a bad roomie?

jhon316 0

hey dude i know how to get red wine out ok all you do is get hyrogene proxide and water and dawn soap. the proxide and water must be same amount and a little bite or dawn soap and it willl come out

just one tip, if your roommate is the owner of the place you're being kicked out, be very careful. They're what's called "occupied landlord" and the typical landlord-tenant relationship doesn't apply.

starberries 0

What would he be careful of? He's already getting kicked out.

im_bored_tired 12