
By sarahhh - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got my boyfriend a pair of concert tickets for his birthday. He loved the gift, but turned to me and said, "Do I have to bring you?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 206
You deserved it 3 636

Top comments

If he said it jokingly then it should be no big deal. Maybe he knows you don`t like the band and would like to save you the boredom.

juturnaamo 29

why is this a FYL? If I bought my BF 50 cent tickets, I would expect him to bring one of his guy friends, not me.


After which I would have taken the tickets back and dumped his ass.

unimportant 0
Simgary56 0

Shoot him and sell his body for mineral parts. Always works for me!

GreenIyd 0

I feel you, my boyfriend (now ex) did the exact same thing when I bought him Mets tix for his birthday. The fact that his first thought was "Do I have to take you?" and not "I can't wait to go with you" is not nice. Not a good boyfriend and not a fantastic relationship. Suuuuucks, what a jerk.

i dont see what the big deal is, he just said it stupidly. what if it was for a band that him and his friend really liked and he knew that she didnt? obviously he would want to go with his friend but didn't know if his gf wanted to go or not, and worded the question wrong.

Aww, that's kind of messed up. Maybe he was just asking that though, because he thought of a friend or a family member who would love to go to that concert. idk.

whyme_ss 0

dude, YDI if you keep dating him....

say if u dont i will take tge tickets away

I think you misread the fml it's his girlfriend, not his mom.

juturnaamo 29

why is this a FYL? If I bought my BF 50 cent tickets, I would expect him to bring one of his guy friends, not me.

revanche 2

finally a girl who understands

dr_octagonapus47 4

Bc ur bf is not kool I would take my gf to a concert if she bought tickets for me

danimal_crackerz 26

Depends on the band? I'm assuming that op was offended by the somewhat hostility (not really but you get what I mean) where she would have prob appreciated it if he had said "would you like to go" or something.

Well I would feel offended because those tickets sounds pretty cheap, ?

afallingstar 22

ha ha... I said the same thing to my husband when he got me tickets to see a band I like, and no, I didn't take him