
By sarahhh - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got my boyfriend a pair of concert tickets for his birthday. He loved the gift, but turned to me and said, "Do I have to bring you?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 206
You deserved it 3 636

Top comments

If he said it jokingly then it should be no big deal. Maybe he knows you don`t like the band and would like to save you the boredom.

juturnaamo 29

why is this a FYL? If I bought my BF 50 cent tickets, I would expect him to bring one of his guy friends, not me.


lostinthelight 0

Depends on the type of music, if it's anything HxC, he doesn't wanna start moshing and accidently hit his amor. ;)

why is he a dick sometimes I wild rather see a show with one of my boys instead of my girl

What the **** do you expect? if you want to go with him tell him you have tickets & ask if he wants to go. stupid

That happened to me once. Sept the concert landed on MY 18th birthday that same year & was also a band I enjoyed. He still didn't want to take me. XD

Your response should have been, "No, but now that I think about it, I don't have to give them to you."

NoahEibon 11

If he was serious you should rip the tickets in his face or hide them and sell them!

If that was my boyfriend, I would have snatched the tickets from him and said "No, because now YOU aren't taking anyone!"

bobman51 15

I think this needs a follow up

Depending on his tone, it is a valid question, does he have to bring you? If you're that girlfriend who would demand to go then YDI.