
By Anonymous - 12/04/2018 05:00

Today, according to my mother, who is only 19 years older than me and raised me by herself, I was conceived in a satanic ritual to honour the Horned God and have at least 4 potential fathers. She was too stoned to remember the actual number or their names. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 112
You deserved it 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PenguinPal3017 19

Have you touched a crucifix to see if it burns you?

ThatGuy9679 13

Makes me miss the good old days when babies were delivered on the front porch by Storks


CrazyTrainWreck 19

I honestly do see why it matters. Im sure alot people were coniceved in orgies or in the back of some crappy truck. Who cares your here . your mom actually raised you.

Damn. And I thought just being an accident was rough.

"I told you, Fergus. You were conceived at a summer solstice orgy and i wasn't exactly taking names!"

Alex Neiva 17

Man. I just cant read that line without using Rowena's accent

Is your name Merlin? Have you been able to see into the past and the future? Was your development really fast, like being able to shup up judgemental adults at two years old? Because you may have a great career as a mage in front of you!

Lobby_Bee 17

Satanic ritual to honor the horned god. What a poetic way to say gangbang.