Freaked out

By klanciee - 16/07/2012 02:00 - United States - Valencia

Today, when I woke up, I noticed something crawling on my bed. A white faced wasp was dragging the corpse of a rather large spider. I'm not sure what I was more disturbed about; the fact that the wasp was dragging something twice its size, or that these bugs even live in my house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 528
You deserved it 2 213

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The good news is, you don't have to worry about spiders.

dragonstrike94 8

No he was not at all thinking yolo


wubbazugg 5

Just relax and observe the wondrous cycle of nature occurring right before your eyes.

Big_lama6 7

Atleast the wasp got to the spider, before the spider got to you

I thought all WASPs were white-faced, no?? :)

Haha, well THAT certainly paints a different picture. I'm suddenly imagining George Bush stomping on a tarantula.

ParaFern7 4

I think you should be more disturbed that you have bugs in your room lol.

I actually screamed inside my head reading this! Oh my dear god....!

Lolli3_Lou22 0

Both is very disturbing...I believe it's time to call an exterminator

you're now an accomplice to murder! pmsl