For better or for worse

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Vienna

Today, I realized I didn't want to come home from a business trip because I like my job more than my husband. I hate my job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 855
You deserved it 4 713

Top comments

Maybe it's time you had a serious talk about this. If you hate your husband, it's not healthy for either of you to still be in the relationship


Communicate, counseling, anything. Discuss your options with each other. Don't let yourself sit in a toxic relationship if you're not happy. Not only for yourself, but for him too. You both deserve someone who will love you as much as you love them.

So divorce your husband, quit your job, and start over. Life is to short to be unhappy.

I wish I could give this a million thumbs up!!!

If you hate both your husband and your job, it's probably time to make some life changes.

kimise 21

Time for an upgrade on both accounts.

YDI for not doing anything to improve your situation.

Then why are you even married to him.