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By SingleFatUglyL - 16/01/2023 18:00

Today, I posted on Facebook that I got the Princess Peach Happy Meal toy and I was super ecstatic. A friend of mine commented, “This shit is why you’re 32 and still single as fuck. Get a boyfriend and go start a family.” Her comment got 38 likes. I threw my laptop across the room and burst into tears. FML
I agree, your life sucks 796
You deserved it 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jontom 7

Stay off social media!! It is place where trolls hang out who feel empowered buy putting people down. I am older than you and I sometimes order a Happy Meal just for the hell of it. Difference is, I don’t tell others about it. By the way, your friend is no friend to talk to you like that.

Yeah that’s not the reason why you’re single, I’m a geeky lad, we still get happy meals and things like that. Your friend is an ahole, get new friends, go to geeky places, you’ll soon find a boyfriend


Sonotsuave 35

On one hand, I think it’s crazy that society has expectations of 20 and 30 year olds that the only thing to live for / move towards is for a job, spouse, family, etc. and that we can’t get excited over little joys. So I say I totally feel for you, you need to reevaluate your connection with this “friend,” and moreover you shouldn’t pay too much attention to what other people say and think. On the other, though, if you yourself are not happy with certain elements of your life, be it education, occupation, marital status / partnership, fitness and lifestyle, etc. or what have you, then you should start thinking of ways to seek help from a professional to get your emotions in order and start making a game plan to work on yourself and change for the better. Good luck!

tiptoppc 19

Hey OP! Don’t worry about it! I’m 38M and for my 37th B-Day, my wife booked a party at a local Lego store where they throw parties for kids. Even as an adult, I loved it. Many thought it was weird, but even my friends loved it. Don’t be afraid to do things others might deem childish. If it’s not hurting anyone, don’t be afraid to do the things that give you that kid-like wonder. All adults need a break from adulting, and what you did didn’t hurt anyone, so eff the haters. They can enjoy their stressed out heart attacks. It’s called “live a little”

Little things like that make me happy, single or not. Don't let miserable assholes get you down. Keep enjoying the little things in in life.

Schm17ty 1

People suck. you know who sucks the worst? Husbands. Just read all the FMLs.