Fly my beauties

By Anonymous - 29/04/2009 16:30 - United States

Today, my first graders released the butterflies we've been raising. The kids were sad that one had died in his cocoon and wouldn't be set free. Turns out that butterfly may have had a better fate: a flock of birds ate half of the others. Immediately after releasing them. In front of the kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 767
You deserved it 5 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So they learn about life and death...killing two birds with one stone. Or two butterflies with one bird. Take your pick.

#4/5: You are aware that there a lots of different kinds of birds, right? With different diets? There aren't really enough worms in the world to sustain the entire avian population. Plenty of birds are insectivores. And, at least the kids learned about 'the circle of life'? I would have been pretty upset if a bird ate my butterfly though :(


xxreikoxx 31

Oh no!!! I'll be honest and admit that I almost started to cry. I'm a sucker for butterflies, so...those poor kids! :(

I did that when I was younger I told my teacher that mine died but I actually fed it to my pet bird?

"And that's kids is the circle of life."

consumer1234567 4

you should have just told them.its the circle of life. nature in action. the butterflies died so birds could live

KebbyWebby 9

That was the perfect opportunity to teach them abt the food chain.