
By it's awkward - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Costa Mesa

Today, at Subway, the pretty girl serving made me so nervous that I forgot what cucumbers were called. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 274
You deserved it 3 825

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I work at subway OP, dont feel bad almost everyday a customer or two forgets what a veggie or the name of the breads are called. one time a customer called lettuce "salad". Lol "could i have some spinach and salad?"

I also work at subway, this is so common she probably didn't even think twice about it! don't sweat it op

“Um...I'd like some of those...the..the pickles without vinegar..please..."

MisterKnowItAll 15

I'll have some green phallic vegetable, please.

Should of used that as an excuse to start a real conversation with her.

aww, that's actually pretty cute of you, OP