First Dates

By sillvy - 13/01/2012 09:32 - United States

Today, I was on a date. I noticed he kept looking at my lips. Thinking he wanted to kiss me, I leaned in closer. Disgusted, he pulled away and said, "I'm sorry, but that pimple on your chin is, like, staring at me or something." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 133
You deserved it 5 559

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least that pimple didn't start talking to him.

Guys always say, "I like my girl natural and without make up on." Well, there you have it.


I feel bad now because i was lmfao when i read this

soldiermedic 2

Another example of the good old American maturity and manners. He's obviously not mentally capable of having a relationship so I wouldn't worry about it. His loss. He'll just go back home, alone and sit in the dark playing World of Warcraft...

This made me think of family guy, when Chris gets the giant talking pimple and makes friends with it!

what a jerk! but you're not alone my ex did that to me before

The right thing to do would be to say nothing and quietly ignore it rather than rudely pointing it out.

You gotta stay on top of those things girl.(;

Well he must have the most flawless, pimple-less skin in the whole universe! Because that's none of his business how your skin condition is ugh everyone gets pimples one point in their life