Fair enough…

By badboyfriends - 15/05/2009 05:44 - United States

Today, my best friend got a new boyfriend. She asked him what he wanted for his upcoming birthday, and he said he just wanted to hang out with her and watch a movie or two. I thought it was sweet, so I asked my boyfriend what he would like for his upcoming birthday. He said a blow job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 184
You deserved it 47 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i have a feeling that your boyfriend was the honest one...


marlux 0

well. wat do u think the other is going to do while watching a movie hmmm?

mehwhateverr 0

People who are saying that the OP deserves it because they should expect it..... not every girl wants to suck on some guy's penis. I personally find that disgusting and so do many of my friends.

lmao @ #9. and #26, when do guys not want more? haha.

I'm not sure why everyone says you deserve it...geez. You deserve your boyfriend's being a douchewaffle? Hardly. Don't give him one, just out of spite. And to those who say, "They're only sweet for so long," my husband and I have been together for 4 years and he wouldn't answer something like that. Hence, he gets them :)

perstephane 4

"Today I asked my boyfriend what he wanted for his birthday, and he asked for something that I didn't have to spend money (or even that much time) on. Yay my life!"

okay of course the new boyfriend is gonna suck up and pretend to be all cute...but in reality he wants the EXACT same thing as your boyfriend...so don't worry to much =) be thankful your boyfriend loves you enough not to lie =P.

thejew1097 0

My girlfriend of 4 months said she will never give me a BJ... SO FML

Socrates_fml 0

When your friend's boyfriend said "hang around and watch movies," what he meant was "******** during a movie." Your guy is just more forward about it. Don't girls usually want honesty?

Don't you guys would appreciate if gils were honest when the say the value honesty? OP: say no or yes, but don't hate him for being open with you.

bread_fml 0

#151 You personify the "nice guys finish last" concept quite well. Sure the guy was being blunt about a ********. Really though, unless you are in middle school asking for a ******** is not a big deal. You, however, with your talk of romantic men aren't fantasies and that you are one and that women need to notice you just screams the token "nice guy" that never gets the girls and blames it on girls only wanting "assholes" and not noticing the true romantics out there. We I got news for you pal, girls generally speaking of course, don't want assholes. They want confidence, and although girls don't want guys asking for blow jobs they would prefer guys with the confidence to ask for one over the guy who wishes for girls to notice what a great catch he is. In short, you sound like a douche.