
By WeClosed2MinsAgo - 08/12/2022 14:00

Today, I got fired. There was a customer last night who showed up 2 minutes after our closing time, 11 p.m.. She knocked on the door many times, but I ignored her and kept sweeping the floor. She eventually left. Turns out she’s the VP’s daughter and told him I was “rude and inconsiderate” to her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 098
You deserved it 197

Same thing different taste

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Right, because the VP's daughter couldn't announce herself at the door, or even better yet NOT show up 2 minutes after closing.

I get that you’re closed, but if you ignore someone and they keep knocking, sometimes it’s because they have an emergency. I would go to the door to tell them we are closed, thus giving an opportunity for someone to say something like “I’m being followed, can I use your phone” or just “okay, thanks/sorry”. In any case, you shouldn’t have been fired for that.


slhiggx 17

You were. You could have at least said something to the patron.

Agreed. A simple, "I'm sorry, we're closed."

Right, because the VP's daughter couldn't announce herself at the door, or even better yet NOT show up 2 minutes after closing.

It shouldn't matter who she was. A simple "We're closed" regardless of who this turned out to be would have been enough for OP to get my sympathy.

You should have seen what she needed. You need to go into a field where being an asshole is a plus. Bill collector, maybe?

I get that you’re closed, but if you ignore someone and they keep knocking, sometimes it’s because they have an emergency. I would go to the door to tell them we are closed, thus giving an opportunity for someone to say something like “I’m being followed, can I use your phone” or just “okay, thanks/sorry”. In any case, you shouldn’t have been fired for that.

This kind of thing ticks me off. Self-entitled spoiled brats playing the "do you know who my mommy/daddy is" card to get away with everything. She showed up after closing time. It's her own fault. I'd sue for wrongful termination.